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District Officers
President - Lisa Babcock
Vice President - Dr. Lauree Pless
Recording Secretary - Mark Dickey
Treasurer - Kathy Ducey
Chief - Mark Smith
Deputy Chief - James Spacht
1st Assistant Chief - Brian Chess
2nd Assistant Chief - Jason Fisher
EMS Captain -
EMS Lieutenant - Lisa Babcock
Board of Commissioners
Fire Commissioners meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 1900 (7:00 p.m.) at 15 South State Street. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 47, Ripley, NY 14775)
Meeting Exceptions: April, July and November meetings are held in the South Ripley Fire Hall at 10268 NE-Sherman Road.
Member Term Expires
Chairman: Martin Dorman 12/31/2022
Secretary: Kathleen M. Thompson 12/31/2024
Austin Dunlap 12/31/2025
William A. Gutz 12/31/2026
Phyllis Gutz 12/31/2023
Treasurer: Karen F. Smith 12/31/2022
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